
Top in protection

Weather conditions are leading cause of winter service calls.

When ice accumulates on the ventilator, it can disrupt the blades’ balance, generating vibrations that increase noise levels and cause the entire unit to shake. Mechanical components and vibrations are never a good combination.

With InnoTop, you’ll avoid these problems and allow your heating and air-conditioning system to operate at the peak of efficiency under all conditions.



Top in durability

InnoTop protectors are designed to withstand heavy loads and all types of inclement weather. They are produced from high-durability rotomoulded polymer that keeps its shape and withstands discoloration.


Top in savings

Use of an InnoTop protector will increase the performance and service life of your heating and air-conditioning system while reducing service calls, all of which can help significantly cut costs related to your unit’s operation. Better yet, the price of an InnoTop protector is but a fraction of these costs.


Innopro flyer